I am a new forum member and want to reply to a dm I got but am unable to because I have to few approved posts:
You are not allowed to write a message yet.
You should have at least 5 approved posts in forum.
What can/should I do to reach that number without annoying any of the moderators or Matt?
Related? https://forum.diyperks.com/general-general/guidelines-for-topics-posts/
Ah, yeah there is that isn't there. I forgot. There isn't enough granularity at the back end to allow someone to reply.
Look in your inbox @gilex I'll sort that one for you.
Take everything I say with a pinch of salt, I might be wrong and it's a very *expensive* way to learn!
Ok, so I will just send another message (you are looking at it right now 🙂) until I have met that number and my messages don't need to be approved by the moderators any more.
@gilex Since this is a bit hidden away, I'll let you (and @diyperks too) in on a secret. I got some V2 mic boards tested today. Apart from being about 10x too sensitive (ouch) they sound amazing. Forutnately reducing sensitivity isn't a huge issue for the through-hole version and the SMD version can be fixed during ordering.
Several pretty major improvements and backward compatible with the older heads, and the most expensive parts *(THAT1512 anad NMA0515) if they are removed with care. They have an auxilliary 5V tap and space for a miniature 5V class D headphone amp and a 20dB cut (although that can be adjusted to almost muting level).
I haven't build the "Educational Edition" yet, might have a go at that tomorrow. That comes without any parts on board but the soldering isn't too difficult.
Take everything I say with a pinch of salt, I might be wrong and it's a very *expensive* way to learn!
So for the sensitivity issue it should be enough to update the BOM with new parts right?
Several pretty major improvements and backward compatible with the older heads
Do you mean that even Matt's original board can be modified to a V2-ish design?
Since I can still not respond to your dm (need 1 more post), I just want to let you know that I was able to get a refund on my order.
JLC are great aren't they? I can't tell you the number of times I've had to nip over with a red face and ask ... please sir, can you cancel that order!
Matt's original preamp can be modified but it would mean another little stripboard layout to add a simpler volume control and alter the phantom from +/- 15V to +/+ 15V which is more in line with P48/P24 and P12 power schemes.
The Varee head circuit supports up to P24 without modification but P48 would require some other modifications that are not on the current design. It's quite simple to do but I'd have to order some on the slow boat from China as they're not needed in a mad rush.
The Chimera head works similarly well, but that doesn't actually need a pre-amp because that's already part of the circuit with a 40 dB (x100) gain.
The Varee boards, being differential in by design, get the benefit of two signals combined so they are are more sensitive and that appears to be causing the overdrive issue. It's not much but the "headroom" we have is limited so I'll drop the gain a hair and use measurement to pin down a better value (even the 20dB cut I designed in wasn't enough).
Take everything I say with a pinch of salt, I might be wrong and it's a very *expensive* way to learn!